
Sorry for the pause

Hey all. I’m sorry I haven’t posted here for a while.

For those of you that don’t know, I have been interning at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch since the end of October. That has kept me pretty busy.

The internship has also required me to blog the St. Louis Post-Dispatch PICTURES blog. All staff photographers also have to Twitter and all of our tweets are aggregated onto the photo page on our site. If you Twitter, you can follow me under the name pd_cameraman.

Another reason I haven’t posted much here is because I’ve been making major upgrades. I haven’t completely switched over yet (obviously) but I am redesigning my blog to handle larger pictures. You can preview it here. Tell me what you think. What would you like to see? Thanks for being patient with me. In the mean time, here are some direct links to some posts I’ve made on the PICTURES blog.







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