Over the last week or so, I have found myself working closely with my good friend Gavin Culbertson. It started when I told him how much better I could make his Web site.
You see, Gavin is a cinematographer. When you work in a visual field, the presentation of your portfolio is just as important as its contents. He had a really poorly designed i-Web Web site with great content.
After working for a few hours over the course of two nights, his old site was obliterated and the new and improved site was all that existed.
I did this for him free of charge. While it was mainly because he is my good friend and his old site was atrocious, it was also my way of thanking him for directing photo work to me.
Gavin is the broadcast assistant at the premiere talent agency in St. Louis, TalentPlus. When actors come in, he can recommend me for head shots.
While Gavin had seen a lot of my work (we have known each other for five years), I wanted to reassure him that directing traffic my way was not a bad idea. I proved that to him by giving him a complimentary portrait session.

Portrait of Gavin Culbertson in Tower Grove Park ©2009 Max Gersh

Portrait of Gavin Culbertson in Tower Grove Park ©2009 Max Gersh
He was happy with the results.