I was going through my May clips yesterday picking out my favorites for potential contest entry. Here are a few that stood out to me for one reason or another.
I hate working around film crews. I can’t take pictures while they are recording. Their mics will pick up my camera shutter noise. When they aren’t filming, the scene is often times less interesting. I felt like this shot of a TV crew filming “Savor Indiana” turned out nice showing the entire scene with nice lighting and at a somewhat interesting moment.
Sometimes the action isn’t in front of you. I try to remember that when I’m photographing stage performances such as concerts or plays. At this Duke Tumatoe concert, the crowd began to interact with Duke. It turned what would be a mundane concert photo into a fun and funny piece of art for the page.
This time, I had to hunt for what wasn’t in front of me. On primary election night, I snapped this photo of one of the Sheriff’s candidates as the numbers were coming in. Needless to say, they weren’t in his favor.
Because of privacy laws, it can be a little tricky to photograph inside a hospital, let alone inside a hospital room. After gaining the trust and permission from the supervisors, I was granted permission to follow a couple of nurses into a patients room to illustrate a story on national Nursing Services Week.
It’s not often I get to photograph wiffle ball let alone a double play during a wiffle ball match.
Chasing a train around town can be tedious. If you don’t get where you need to be before the train does, you might be stuck on the wrong side of the track. Timing is essential.
You never know who you will meet on assignment. Wayman Hoots is quite the interesting character. Hopefully I’ll have an opportunity to do a story on his fishing techniques.
A level of sensitivity is required when photographing a tragedy. After loosing most of their belongings in a fire, they were still gracious enough to let me in to see a slice their past salvaged from their house. As they sorted through the now dirty photographs, I gave them tips on how to safely clean the prints.
If you’re not expecting it, it will happen. Just after the Memorial Day parade, a Winnebago burst into flames relatively close to my office. Instead of fighting traffic and driving there, I sprinted down the sidewalk. The responding fire department was from out-of-town. They drove an engine in the parade. While they had no fire protection gear, they still broke out their hoses and extinguished the fire.