
Category : Multimedia

A second stab at time-lapse

I’m pretty addicted already…AND I’VE ONLY JUST BEGUN! I decided to try more time-lapse today. Well, tonight. I attached my camera onto my car. I hooked up hard power via a power inverter to both my camera and my laptop. There were also steel safety cables just in case something went wrong. I wanted to shoot at two or three frames per second (fps) but my computer’s intervalometer only allowed me to shoot down to five fps. I started in […]

A first stab at time-lapse

Yesterday, I decided to try time-lapse photography. I tried to figure out the best place for my camera where I would have power and decided to aim it out my front window. My camera was on a tripod with a hard line for power. It was tethered to my laptop via Firewire. My computer essentially became the dashboard for my camera. I set all of the settings on the computer screen. After I was content with my capture settings, I […]

Kudos to Katie

Kaite, my girlfriend of nearly two years, is a great photographer. This is nothing terribly new. I have been amazed with her images as a new photographer since the very beginning. She seemed to nail every exposure and have unique compositions. She took this great picture as part of an assignment for her photo 1 class. It was on one of the first rolls of film that ever passed through her camera. Well, she has impressed me again. I pressured […]