
Tag : robbery

Austin Ramos Jr. vigil

A winter full of spot news

In my experience, the cold months are usually slow when it comes to spot news. Sure, you have accidents due to snow and ice, as well as a house fire or two. But overall, spot news is usually down. That has not been my experience during the last four months or so. I can’t count how many times I’ve been called out of bed in the morning or told to leave an assignment to get to breaking news these last […]

Recent spot news

Photojournalists usually have a favorite part of the job. Some love shooting sports. Others enjoy shooting concerts and similar lifestyle events. For me, it’s the thrill of chasing spot news. Spot news differs from regular “news” photos in the fact that it isn’t planned or scheduled. It is a spontaneous event, be it a fire, shooting, car accident or the like. Many elements come into play when making a spot news photo. I think it is safe to say in […]

A week of guns

My week started off innocent enough. It was the first day that it really felt like Spring outside. I went to Baker Park to make a warm weather feature. I hadn’t been there for 20 minutes when some kids showed with toy guns – or so I thought. No. They weren’t real guns. But they were airsoft guns and probably didn’t belong on a playground. Some parents called 911 and reported these kids. While the kids weren’t shooting at anyone, […]

A new job keeps me on my toes

For those of you that don’t already know, I am a week in to my new job. I am the new Chief Photographer and Photo Editor at The Courier-Times in New Castle, IN. The job comes with perks. I love the challenge of making an interesting photo, no matter the situation. That is something I had to do my first day on the job. The town is building a Mr. Fuel gas station right off the interstate. I guess I […]