
Tag : news

A days work

A day in the life of a photojournalist. Some days are slow. Many are non-stop. Assignments can be spontaneous and range in topics. That keeps the job interesting. Yesterday was no exception. I went to the high school to get art for a story on College GO Week. There weren’t a lot of photogenic opportunities. I was told that teachers were invited to wear shirts from their colleges. I found a teacher that would let me sit in on his […]

Spot news

Some of my friends think my job is glamorous. I get access to many things the public doesn’t get to see other than through my pictures. Some of those things aren’t always easy to witness. I’ve seen fatal fires, hit-and-runs, homicides, devastating floods…the list goes on and on. This week I witnessed one of the worst car accident’s I’ve ever seen. I had just gotten off work. I was at home putting some food into a skillet to cook dinner. […]

A new job keeps me on my toes

For those of you that don’t already know, I am a week in to my new job. I am the new Chief Photographer and Photo Editor at The Courier-Times in New Castle, IN. The job comes with perks. I love the challenge of making an interesting photo, no matter the situation. That is something I had to do my first day on the job. The town is building a Mr. Fuel gas station right off the interstate. I guess I […]