
Tag : illinois

Stereoscopic photography

One of the beautiful things about photography is that there is always something to learn. Recently, I was talking with a talented young photographer who introduced me to the process of stereoscopic photography, otherwise known as 3-D photography. The idea behind it is simple. Take two images of a subject from two slightly different perspectives. Then in Photoshop, edit the images to filter each perspective to a different color field (seriously a one click process). Line up the images. Then, […]

A brutal Illinois winter

The worse the weather gets, the more a photojournalist has to be out in it. This season has been no exception to that rule. There have been days where I was wearing so many layers, it made it difficult to move. There have been days where my pen froze while I was trying to take notes. There have been days that my lens hood was better at collecting snow than blocking light flares. Really. Lens hood aka snow shovel. pic.twitter.com/snbGjYfJ41 […]

More snowy owls

Yesterday, I posted some images of snowy owls that I had photographed over the past week or so. Apparently I can’t get enough. This afternoon, my girlfriend and I went back out to check out the owls again. Unfortunately, the light was lousy once again. That didn’t stop me from snapping a few frames. It seemed like there were many more people out spotting the owls since it was the weekend. There were also people baiting the owls again. My […]

Snowy owls in Northern Illinois

I’m not much of a wildlife photographer. I’ve never really had much of an opportunity to photograph majestic wildlife other than in a zoo. This year, I’ve had the opportunity to track and photograph a few birds. First was the bald eagle. It was awesome seeing a bird that holds such significance in our nation. However, it was much more exciting to find and photograph the snowy owl. I went out searching for the owl a few weeks back, thinking the […]

Aerial photo shoot over Rockford

I don’t always jump at the idea of waking up early. But when I had an opportunity to hop in the passenger seat of a Cessna to take sunrise aerials around Rockford, I had trouble sleeping. I had a whole list of places to photograph from above. The main shot needed to be an iconic shot of downtown Rockford. Here are a few of my favorites from the morning.