
Category : DIY

Odds and ends

I’ve made mention to photos I’ve taken earlier this year that had not yet published. Well, now they’ve published. Here’s a random selection of photos that I’ve been sitting on for a couple of months. I took portraits of several bearded gentlemen for a story (and the cover art) for our 815 Magazine. I found a gritty backdrop in the paper’s old press hall. I set up my lights (my old faithful DIY beauty dish) and shot each guy as if […]

Stereoscopic photography

One of the beautiful things about photography is that there is always something to learn. Recently, I was talking with a talented young photographer who introduced me to the process of stereoscopic photography, otherwise known as 3-D photography. The idea behind it is simple. Take two images of a subject from two slightly different perspectives. Then in Photoshop, edit the images to filter each perspective to a different color field (seriously a one click process). Line up the images. Then, […]

My pinhole camera

Before we ever touched an SLR in my high school Photo 1 class, my teacher wanted us to understand the basic mechanics and physics of a camera. There was no better way to do that then by building a pinhole camera. A pinhole camera works on the same principle of a camera obscura. Light comes in through a small hole (no lens) and is inverted and projected on whatever medium is available. The camera we built was made out of cardboard, glue […]

DIY nodal slide: Perfect panoramas

I remember having to do a panorama in a high school photography class. Mine was of a tree line across a lake shot with a 50mm lens on my old Pentax ME Super. It looked ok. Most things lined up. For fun, I tried another one. On the second one, the subject was much closer. When I started to line up the images, I realized it just wasn’t going to happen. Nothing lined up. At the time, I didn’t know […]

My DIY beauty dish works like a charm

I got the chance to test my DIY beauty dish this morning. It worked like a charm! I once again had my friend Gavin Culbertson stand in for a few quick portraits. He was standing in the shadow with a sun-lit wall behind him. This picture could be improved with a back light but I only have one Speedlight, a Canon 550EX. I love the circular highlight that shows up in the eyes of the subject. I will need to […]