
Max Gersh

Test shots from the Hasselblad 500 C/M

If you read my last post, you know that I was testing out a 1976 Hasselblad 500 C/M. The results are in. Not too shabby. This is looking more and more like it might be the next camera added to my collection. I shot one roll of 120 Kodak TMAX 100. The only problem was that I was running that through a Hasselblad A24 back , designed for 220 film. It seems like the first few frames didn’t wind fully […]

There is nothing like a Hasselblad

I shoot a ton of pictures on my Canon digital system. I have probably shot over one million frames in the last eight years. As much as I love digital photography, it is hard to beat the look of black and white film. The texture. The latitude. No instant results. It makes you appreciate the roots of photography as well as where technology has taken the medium. I haven’t shot 35mm film for a while. I have a cheapo Chinese […]

Portraits with the Pentax

I’ve always been a supporter of the idea that it is the photographer that makes the image and not the camera that he/she uses. While my close friends constantly hear me praise Canon and bash Nikon (jokingly, of course), a good photographer can make a dynamite image with a disposable film camera. That being said, I had an opportunity to shoot with a fantastic camera – the Pentax K-7. This is Pentax’s ultra-rugged flagship camera. Considering that I learned photography […]

Fall colors at Jefferson Barracks

It isn’t usual for me to take “Fall color” pictures. In fact, I can’t think of a time I did other than last year…and that didn’t really count because that was in my front yard. This year, I felt compelled to try since I never really put forth any effort into capturing the beauty of the season. I drove out to the massive cemetery at Jefferson Barracks. This is the first time I’ve been to a cemetery since I went […]

St. Louis Arch as a panoramic planet

Have you ever wondered what the St. Louis Gateway Arch and its surroundings would look like if it were its own planet? Probably not…But I did. Today, I went down to the Arch grounds with the express purpose of making a 360 degree panorama and warping it into a two-dimensional globe. I only had a vague idea of what I was doing. Just like any panorama, it is best to set your camera on a tripod to get equal and […]