A quiet, foggy morning. Pelicans. All you could ask for when your assignment is to capture the migrating pelicans.
A quiet, foggy morning. Pelicans. All you could ask for when your assignment is to capture the migrating pelicans.
It’s that time of year again. Although it may not feel like it in Florida, football season is upon us. Just like every year in Rockford, I was once again tapped to produce over the top portraits of our local high school football team. I was fortunate enough to get the help of my colleague, Michael Johnson, on this project. I guess it wasn’t really luck. I insisted on it. You see, during a planning meeting that I was not […]
There’s a first time for everything. And July 2018 brought me my first opportunity to cover a NASCAR race. Now I’ve covered auto racing before. I shot a few races at the Rockford Speedway. I shot even more races at the Byron Dragway. Heck. I’ve even shot go-kart racing. But it wasn’t until moving to Florida that I was in a market where I would get to over NASCAR. My paper really only covers two big race weekends. The Daytona […]
My newspaper covers an area spanning three counties. Within our coverage area is the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, Fla. It is the second busiest national cemetery in the country. It also happens to be turning 30 years old this year. For this year’s Memorial Day project, I was tasked with photographing 30 voices related to veterans or veterans services. This included cemetery care takers, families of deceased veterans who are buried in Bushnell, honor guards and so on. This […]