
Tag : mark ii

First impressions of the Canon EOS 1DX

For years and years, I’ve been shooting with the same camera. A trusty and reliable Canon EOS 1D Mark II (or Mark IIN). It may have been the finest 8 megapixel camera ever made. With that being said, it was getting a little long in tooth. Canon (and I’m sure other camera brands) only service their cameras for so long. After eight years or so, they stop manufacturing parts for and supporting “experienced” camera bodies. The 1d Mark II recently […]

The “Chris Lee button”

Let me start off by saying this is a techy and camera-specific post for shooters. Chris Lee is an excellent sports photographer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Apparently, he is also excellent at reading the owner’s manual to his Canon 1D. Many professional photographers shoot their camera in a full manual mode to ensure they have the most control of the exposure. This works great until the subject you’re tracking runs into a shadow and your settings are now three […]

An unnecessary self-portrait

Let’s just say I was bored the other night. I decided to shoot a self portrait. The idea was to capture an image of myself off the ground glass in my Hasselblad 500 C/M. I had done something similar when I was testing the Hasselblad. So, I began to setup. I sat the Hasselblad on the table and aimed it at my recliner. It was important to have both the focus of the Hasselblad and the capturing camera, my Canon […]