
Category : Photo

Disc dogs

I have shot many sports in my relatively young career. But today, I was given the opportunity to photograph something completely new to me. Disc dogs – a competition where dogs catch Frisbees thrown by their owner. There are competitions in distance and accuracy as well as a freestyle event which is somewhat choreographed to music. I arrived at the event in time to photograph today’s expert freestyle competition. It was awesome and a little challenging to photograph. The dogs […]

Up in a biplane

Last week, I received an assignment to cover the Hagerstown Flying Circus – a showcase of airplanes and antique cars. I thought this sounded pretty cool as is. Then I was told there would be biplane rides available. I was sold. I had to get a ride in a biplane. Now I’m not a complete stranger to aerial photography. A few years ago, I mounted a remote camera on the outside of a Cessna. However, a biplane seems so much […]

New ‘Sportrait’ gallery

I’m working on updating photos on my website. I started by adding a “Sportrait” category since I have shot so many in recent months. One I added was of New Castle baseball player Caylor Escalante. We first started in the dugout with the team name, Trojans, behind him. After we finished that shot, he told me that he spent about 50 hours painting that by himself. Next, we went out to second base, his position on the field. I laid […]

June’s odds and ends

June seemed to be a good month for images. On top of some of the others that I’ve already posted, here are a handful more. Without question, the newsiest thing to happen to New Castle this month was a roof collapse. Big Bounce Inflatables, a local children’s attraction, had its roof cave in one afternoon with people inside. No one was seriously injured but the building had to be bull dozed down to ensure there were no further collapses. I […]

Photographing buildings

Some assignments can sound that boring. I’ve been told to go out and photograph a building for a story. Too many times. Most architectural photographers will either use tilt-shift lenses on a 35mm camera or some sort of larger format of camera that can adjust the lens and film planes accordingly. This is because on a standard lens, the lines on a building appear to converge. This is known in the photographic world as keystoning or tombstoning. Proper usage of […]