
Tag : rock river

Camera phones

It wasn’t that long ago that we all laughed at the idea of cameras built into phones. They were low resolution and hideous quality. The picture of  your grandmother in the backyard looked more like a blurry shot of Big Foot running through the brush. Even with that said, phones with cameras were treated and sold like luxury items. Pretty quickly, it seemed that it became difficult to buy a phone without a camera. I had one on mine for […]

Recent spot news

Photojournalists usually have a favorite part of the job. Some love shooting sports. Others enjoy shooting concerts and similar lifestyle events. For me, it’s the thrill of chasing spot news. Spot news differs from regular “news” photos in the fact that it isn’t planned or scheduled. It is a spontaneous event, be it a fire, shooting, car accident or the like. Many elements come into play when making a spot news photo. I think it is safe to say in […]

Blizzard 2011

Now that it is starting to warm up outside (a little bit), I decided it would be the perfect time to post photos from last month’s blizzard. After some banter back and forth between meteorologists, I think the storm total snowfall was 15.1″ making it the third largest snowfall total in Rockford’s recorded history. That’s a lot of snow. I started my great snow hunt before the storm started. I went to the Rockford City Yard hoping to find snow […]