
Tag : mack

A week in Colorado

From the moment we landed in Grand Junction, Colorado, all I could say was “wow!” Every direction I looked, there were mountains. I took out Katie’s Panasonic Lumix and started shooting as we left the plane and walked to the terminal. I knew this was going to be a great trip. It takes about 30 minutes to get from the airport to the house we were staying at in Mack, Colorado. We were out in the desert and only six […]

Traveling keeps me up all night

I can never sleep the night before travel. I’m not nervous. I just can’t wait to be somewhere new. Tonight, or rather this morning, is no different. Later today I hop in a plane and head to Colorado. A lot of you may say “What’s the big deal with that? You’ve been all over the world.” This is true. I’ve been to China, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Israel and Bermuda, all within the last 5 years. I’ve also been all over […]