
Tag : homicide

Best of 2016

I hate this time of year. This is the time when photographers pull together their best frames from last year. The solid daily frames are tossed aside and we’re left with an internet that is overwhelmed with the best of the best. It’s an amazing thing to see. But I hate it. Photographers make connections with their pictures. Sometimes you make a killer frame. Sometimes the story behind making the image is better than the image itself. That is something a viewer […]

Students play the ukulele

Daily video assingments

With the changing newspaper landscape, photographers are being asked more and more regularly to produce video pieces for the web. Sometimes these take the form of longer, more developed and produced video pieces. More frequently, they are projects that need to be turned around in day. These can pose a challenge. It is hard to take stills and video at the same time. Inevitably, when you’re shooting video, you’ll miss a great opportunity for a still. In contrast, when you’re […]

asher tool fire

Recent spot news

It tends to be that the colder months are the quieter months when it comes to spot news. However, this past December and January kept me busy. Fires. Accidents. Murders. The whole lot. Here is a take of some of what I was chasing these last two months. December started off with an accident between a freight train and a semi truck. The cab of the truck was pushed about 100 yards down the tracks. The drive of the truck was […]

Spot news

Some of my friends think my job is glamorous. I get access to many things the public doesn’t get to see other than through my pictures. Some of those things aren’t always easy to witness. I’ve seen fatal fires, hit-and-runs, homicides, devastating floods…the list goes on and on. This week I witnessed one of the worst car accident’s I’ve ever seen. I had just gotten off work. I was at home putting some food into a skillet to cook dinner. […]