
Max Gersh

Favorites from February 2014

I’m a little more punctual about getting my favorites from February, 2014 together. Here are a few of them. To see more of my favorites from February, along with favorites from my coworker, Brent Lewis, check out the gallery on the Rockford Register Star’s website.

Favorites from January 2014

I’m a little late on getting these together but here are a handful of my favorite images from January, 2014. To see more of my favorites from January, along with the favorites of my coworker, Brent Lewis, check out the gallery on the Rockford Register Star’s website.

A brutal Illinois winter

The worse the weather gets, the more a photojournalist has to be out in it. This season has been no exception to that rule. There have been days where I was wearing so many layers, it made it difficult to move. There have been days where my pen froze while I was trying to take notes. There have been days that my lens hood was better at collecting snow than blocking light flares. Really. Lens hood aka snow shovel. pic.twitter.com/snbGjYfJ41 […]

More snowy owls

Yesterday, I posted some images of snowy owls that I had photographed over the past week or so. Apparently I can’t get enough. This afternoon, my girlfriend and I went back out to check out the owls again. Unfortunately, the light was lousy once again. That didn’t stop me from snapping a few frames. It seemed like there were many more people out spotting the owls since it was the weekend. There were also people baiting the owls again. My […]

Snowy owls in Northern Illinois

I’m not much of a wildlife photographer. I’ve never really had much of an opportunity to photograph majestic wildlife other than in a zoo. This year, I’ve had the opportunity to track and photograph a few birds. First was the bald eagle. It was awesome seeing a bird that holds such significance in our nation. However, it was much more exciting to find and photograph the snowy owl. I went out searching for the owl a few weeks back, thinking the […]